Thursday, January 16, 2014

RL Trophy Vase

One of my sisters collects trophies.  I have always loved them, but when I see one or buy one, naturally I just feel it would make a great gift for her - so it goes her way.  After all I am often at her house and can sit and enjoy her beautiful displays.  Her collection looks very "Ralphy" and in fact I think she has been collecting them as long as his team has.  Notice I did not say, as long as Ralph has....I think he has people who do that for him now.

Anyway, the other day I am strolling though HomeGoods and thinking their merchandise is looking a little picked over.  When I look up, there is a HUGE trophy cup.  Not a little dinky one - but big.  Also, not a real RL, but who cares? I'm thinking, hey it's not old (so I won't have to give it up to my sister) and would be beautiful solo or with a large arrangement of hydrangeas.  Took me no time at all to justify buying it.  After all Mary McDonald continues to chant her mantra "buy what you love" and I am all about Mary McDonald these days. And.... you'll notice that it didn't take me long to fill it with the hydrangeas.  I love it.

I did mention it was big, right?

This shows the scale on the large coffee table and in front of a full size  sofa.
Since I am all Mary McDonald and Ralph Lauren inspired these days,
I'm wondering - just who is it that is inspiring you?

1 comment:

SG said...

Beautiful Hydrangeas!!! My plant is still living...