Sunday, January 6, 2013

2013: The Year of the Big Merge

So I have spent the last week trying to recover from the entire holiday season.  I have also spent some time reading what I should say are some the very inspiring blogs, listing the zillion things they plan to accomplish in 2013.  The truth is, several made me think that many bloggers try a bit too hard to make their lives look perfect.  Really? My world is so far from that, it makes me laugh.  There are a few who keep it real and that I feel like I can relate to - mentioning panic attacks, kid's meltdowns, mommy meltdowns (smile), work/life balance, drinking a few glasses of wine or a few margaritas AND trying to work in DIY projects.  Yep, those are the bloggers I relate to and most enjoy.

While I do have a list for 2013 and it may be every bit as long as many others, I feel no need to stick my neck out there and commit to getting it all done.  In fact, when I woke up the 1st day of the year - miraculously without a hangover from the vodka martinis the night before - my first thought for 2013 was simply to be happy and make this "the year of the big merge".  Merging 2 households, some would think far too many children between us (we can't send them back now!) and 2 worlds.  That sounds like enough of a challenge to me. 

Stay tuned.  I'll do my best to keep you posted and try to get something accomplished to actually maybe a room that's actually finished or finding the time to make my blog a bit more lovely. :) 

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