Monday, January 28, 2013

Why pitch it just because it's ugly?

I know it's not yet February, so I am doing more than 1 post this month.  Wow - that's huge for me.  Especially, since I am known as the woman without 1 room in the entire house finished.  Everything is in the state of oh let's see....maybe 50% done.  It will be cocktail time when I finally get 1 flippin room actually to 100%.  It might even be champagne time.

Since I am feeling like any sort of real progress is really not taking place (despite the fact we are actually making slow progress), I decided to repurpose an ugly.  I am slowly but surely removing every ugly thing in the house that the ex-wife left.  Perhaps I should have more politely said every thing that's not my cup of tea, but let's be real - these were ugly:

So, I find some cool Ralph Lauren plates at HomeGoods on the clearance shelf for $6.50 each.  Come home, take the frames apart, spray the frame and paint the matt and background and I come up with this:

There are 2 of them, so it has a "twin", because everyone knows I like twins :)  I often think about how thankful I am that my twins weren't triplets.  Just can't imagine throwing another 10 year old into the mix.

So, as the room is pulled together and if it's EVER finished, you just may see these twins in a future post.  For $13. (I had the paint) they make me happy.  Some things should just not be hauled off to Goodwill.  I figure with just a little bit of work, I can put my own little mark on them and be pleased to have them more look like "me".  And yes, I am still into that pop of orange, although I fully understand that's last year's color and everyone is now into green.  I'm sticking with my orange groove.  Here's a newsflash - I did that green a really long time ago, so for me it's old news.

1 comment:

Paige said...

I love it! What a great idea and then to carry it through!! Wonderful.