It's often easy to look at all that still needs to be done, especially when you are still living with a mess. However today, I want to give an update on what has been accomplished. That should make me feel better, right?? :)
The after shot of the new "non weed" bed and walkway - what an improvement!
With the trees now all trimmed and cleaned, this is our beautiful view of the golf course:
Before the tree crew started, this was a look at the overgrown trees that totally blocked our view.
Front of house now with all the trees trimmed, wild hedges and overgrowth removed.
Mind you I am not a tree and yard kind of gal (that would be my mother and sister)....but even I am pleased with what spending a small fortune on a good tree crew can accomplish. I just wish I could have spent the money on something much more "fun".
Stay tuned to more progress - there is now a written list of projects to be done asap. Despite the fact it's a VERY long list, my goal will be to get it done as soon as I truly hope to send you regular posts from this point forward.
OK....what's been done:
- LR painted
- DR (painters just recently finished because the ceiling had to be repaired first)
- FR/office - had to replace the ceiling because it could not be repaired, but that's done and the room is painted and ready to be furnished
- Microwave installed above range
- W/D installed
- Maya and Firas' rooms painted (note: all painting includes ceilings being painted)
- Blinds installed in every room. Window treatments are planned to go up next and I am a firm believer in the difference fabric treatments can make. Plus I am using many from previous homes, so most are already custom made, which wil save a boatload of money.
- Interior doors replaced
- Exterminator came and did the entire once-a-year service (in the walls), which will take care of the bug issue guaranteed.....while this may not sound like a big deal, I'm SO glad it's checked off the to-do list.
- The window washers came and the filthy windows now look fabulous! What a difference it made.
- Yard - really deserves an entie post - but suffice it to say I had SEVEN tree/yard guys here for 2 days and I am now a BFF with the TT City Tree Arborist! Oiy....still tons more to do but it looks so much better already. The bid started out at $8600 - and I negotiated it WAY WAY down. how's that for bargaining :) honestly I don't think the trees had been worked on for many many years and they needed alot.
- AC replacement and upgrade now completed.
- Electrician also came to do a partial upgrade, however more electrical work is needed.
So, when I write it all down, I do know that this project does show progress, but for those that really know me - they also know I always want "completion" and until it's done, I have a hard time sitting idle. It's an OCD issue for sure! So....Next up, a plumber for water tank replacement, which is on hold until I get more quotes from other plumbers. first one came in too high. Also, rods/hardware and curtains all need to be installed and hung, art needs to be hung, interior closet doors need to painted, 2 more BR's need to be painted, chandeliers need to hung in LR and office.....the list truly is pages long. Ramadan has my workers taking a week off, which has allowed me to do much of the unpacking.
So far what I love most is the view from every window in the front of the house (now that the tree work is done), what I like least - there is a snake issue. I have yet to see one, but my workers keep telling me they are out there. I have consulted on what to do and am working on that.
Can't close without showing a few pics:
First up - moving day. Yuk! Since the painters were in the DR and office, much of the furniture was just thrown in the LR. Grrrr....
and since I had 7 Tree Guys here for 2 days, this post would not be complete without some before and afters of the trees in the front yard.
The unkept walkway/flower bed (well, more like a weed bed) before shot:
Lookin' good lady! Will need more pictures of before and after in the bathrooms and kitchen. Those are my favorite updates in any house.
I am finally getting to some of the more fun projects. Speaking of bathrooms...have decided that I do not have the budget to demo out the kid's bath (which is tiled in PINK!) - so for now I'm going to "think pink", try and embrace it and somehow work with it - despite the fact I HATE pink!
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