Wednesday, August 31, 2011

We are in and seeing slow but sure signs of progress

My apologies for not posting to this blog sooner.  The good news is that I think the worst part of the move is behind us and we are now getting through the MANY boxes and working hard to get out of the chaotic phase. It's a real process and it takes time.  I'm trying to be patient and look forward to the "fun" stuff....just not there yet.

It's often easy to look at all that still needs to be done, especially when you are still living with a mess.  However today, I want to give an update on what has been accomplished.  That should make me feel better, right?? :)
 The after shot of the new "non weed" bed and walkway - what an improvement!

With the trees now all trimmed and cleaned, this is our beautiful view of the golf course:

Before the tree crew started, this was a look at the overgrown trees that totally blocked our view.

Front of house now with all the trees trimmed, wild hedges and overgrowth removed.

Mind you I am not a tree and yard kind of gal (that would be my mother and sister)....but even I am pleased with what spending a small fortune on a good tree crew can accomplish.  I just wish I could have spent the money on something much more "fun".

Stay tuned to more progress - there is now a written list of projects to be done asap.  Despite the fact it's a VERY long list, my goal will be to get it done as soon as I truly hope to send you regular posts from this point forward.

OK....what's been done:
  • LR painted
  • DR (painters just recently finished because the ceiling had to be repaired first)
  • FR/office - had to replace the ceiling because it could not be repaired, but that's done and the room is painted and ready to be furnished
  • Microwave installed above range
  • W/D installed
  • Maya and Firas' rooms painted (note: all painting includes ceilings being painted)
  • Blinds installed in every room.  Window treatments are planned to go up next and I am a firm believer in the difference fabric treatments can make.  Plus I am using many from previous homes, so most are already custom made, which wil save a boatload of money.
  • Interior doors replaced
  • Exterminator came and did the entire once-a-year service (in the walls), which will take care of the bug issue guaranteed.....while this may not sound like a big deal, I'm SO glad it's checked off the to-do list.
  • The window washers came and the filthy windows now look fabulous!  What a difference it made.
  • Yard - really deserves an entie post - but suffice it to say I had SEVEN tree/yard guys here for 2 days and I am now a BFF with the TT City Tree Arborist! Oiy....still tons more to do but it looks so much better already.  The bid started out at $8600 - and I negotiated it WAY WAY down.  how's that for bargaining :)  honestly I don't think the trees had been worked on for many many years and they needed alot. 
  •  AC replacement and upgrade now completed.
  •  Electrician also came to do a partial upgrade, however more electrical work is needed.
So, when I write it all down, I do know that this project does show progress, but for those that really know me - they also know I always want "completion" and until it's done, I have a hard time sitting idle.  It's an OCD issue for sure!  So....Next up, a plumber for water tank replacement, which is on hold until I get more quotes from other plumbers.  first one came in too high.  Also, rods/hardware and curtains all need to be installed and hung, art needs to be hung, interior closet doors need to painted, 2 more BR's need to be painted, chandeliers need to hung in LR and office.....the list truly is pages long.  Ramadan has my workers taking a week off, which has allowed me to do much of the unpacking. 
So far what I love most is the view from every window in the front of the house (now that the tree work is done), what I like least - there is a snake issue.  I have yet to see one, but my workers keep telling me they are out there.  I have consulted on what to do and am working on that.
Can't close without showing a few pics:
First up - moving day.  Yuk!  Since the painters were in the DR and office, much of the furniture was just thrown in the LR.  Grrrr....

and since I had 7 Tree Guys here for 2 days, this post would not be complete without some before and afters of the trees in the front yard. 

The unkept walkway/flower bed (well, more like a weed bed) before shot:


Stephanie said...

Lookin' good lady! Will need more pictures of before and after in the bathrooms and kitchen. Those are my favorite updates in any house.

Teri said...

I am finally getting to some of the more fun projects. Speaking of bathrooms...have decided that I do not have the budget to demo out the kid's bath (which is tiled in PINK!) - so for now I'm going to "think pink", try and embrace it and somehow work with it - despite the fact I HATE pink!