Tuesday, May 15, 2012

No posts - what's up???

No posts as of late.....I know, I know!  The good news is I am working on 3 rooms - all in a state of "not nearly complete" and one even in a complete demo state.  In fact if I showed you the picture of that room, it just might freak you out :)

Anyway, please know that I am working to complete at least 2 of the rooms within the week, so I'll actually have something to share.  As for the complete scarey demo room, I'm praying it goes well and will be done by the end of the month - my goal date.

So, hang with me people, stay tuned and please be patient until I can at least get one damn room finished!

Peace out!

1 comment:

Katy said...

Hi, I love following other women renovating houses by themselves -- there arent a lot of us, but have you seen that show Rehab Addict on the DIY network? Nicole Curtis - that's where it's at!! ;)