Monday, December 12, 2011

Twelve Days of Christmas - Day 4

For some strange reason, for the first time in my life - I am into orange.  Absolutely no idea why since I have never really been drawn to or used this color before.  Like many of us, we go through periods of time where we have our phase of a color.  Let's see, I have had my phase with blues, beiges/creams, peaches/corals and even some greens.  Orange just never really did it for me.....until now. 

While in Atlanta on a girlfriend visit (aka shopping trip), we are out hitting some of our favorite haunts and what do I stumble upon but an orange glass lamp with a lucite base.  Thought to myself....hmmmm....that could look great in a future place.  It certainly didn't go with the color scheme that I had going at the time.  But, I held myself back and walked away.  I return from ATL and open the newest issue of House Beautiful or Elle Decor and I see the most beautiful Italian glass lamps that very closely resemble the lamp I had sadly left behind.  Guess what shocked me the most was a) how close they were in appearance and b) the price on those in the magazine was $695.!!!

So what does a smart woman do?  She picks up her Iphone and calls her sister to ask if she will run down and pick up "my" orange lamp.  she agrees and later calls to tell me she has my large orange lamp at her place.  Then SHE opens the same magazine article I had seen and sees the price of the Italian version and immediately calls me to say "I know why you wanted me to go back and buy that lamp"!  guess I was happy that she was a little behind in her reading :)

The lamp also reminded me of one that Johnathan Adler (I adore him) has for $275.:

except his did not have the lucite base and wasn't quite as cool of a shape.  Sorry Johnathan - please know I still adore you.

So - finally I get my coveted lamp from Atlanta and I say to myself "Hello Gorgeous"!  I LUV LUV LUV this lamp.  Can a person really LOVE a lamp???

Voila - take a look at my most loved lamp and the very best part of the happily ever after part of the orange lamp story is that the consignment store price was $37. and on top of that, my very sweet sister who picked it up for me, gave it to me for my birthday present.  Ballard's outlet lampshade, was hmmmm....I think $19. 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Twelve Days of Christmas - Day 3

Another step toward a completed TV room that we actually like to go into and enjoy.  I guess it looked so bad when I first started, the task of improving the space without a huge budget seemed a bit overwhelming.  A complete report and shots of the finished room by the end of this month - I'm waiting for one more thing to arrive before I can show the entire space.  

until that time.....a sneak peek of my recent solution to the BIG blank white wall behind the sofa.  I had hoped to have a large contemporary piece of art done for the space - but I decided that this month was not the month to blow my wad on new art. 

 A few weeks ago my sister had put this in a garage sale:

When I mentioned I liked the poster and especially the colors - her response was "take it".  So my free poster was the beginning.  I knew it wasn't large enough for the wall, but decided that I could let my creative juices flow and come up with something that would work as an interim solution.  So, a quick trip to IKEA for some frames came next.  I get home to find that the matting is just a wee bit to large for the print I have to work with.  Next up a trip out to pick up some black poster board and ta-da my little vision turns into this:

and a close up , so that you can see how the black poster board not only serves as a filler for the .25" shortage once the print was cut into the 4 individual squares.  It actually looks like it's double matted.

Total cost for my short-term solution to art ..... until I can purchase that contemporary painting that is out there waiting for me:

4 IKEA Ribba frames $80.
Poster Board $2.
Poster FREE (Thanks MB and CW, who long ago gave it to MB)

I'm very happy to have completed the project for $82 and every time I see the cheerful color on the wall it makes me happy.  Can't wait to add up what I have ended up spending on the entire room - but I'm contently finding inexpensive solutions for the space.  Truth is, every single budget minded find I come up with, makes me just as happy as spending small fortunes on things as I once did in a former life.  Maybe even more happy! :)

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Twelve Days of Christmas - Day 2

OK, almost everyone has a room in their house where they just shove all the crap and think I'll get to that later.  Well when we arrived at TUD, for me it was the TV room.  Left over furniture, none of it matching or looking like it belonged anywhere, boxes, bolts of name it and it and it was probably thrown in this room because the garage and storage units were already full.

so....I finally decide I can no longer stand the dreary little storage area and decide I will turn it into a TV room.  This was also the only place the large armoire with the TV would fit - so I suppose that was the deciding factor.
Although the room is not quite finished, I thought I would give you a shot of something funny. 

In my storage warehouse, I had a good Candice Olsen couch that was really I have it picked up and brought over, thinking I could maybe slipcover it and it would be a good comfy (cheap) solution for the room.  As soon as it gets here, I realize that it won't fit through the opening to the room.  Does the term "trying to fit a square peg into a round hole" ring a bell with anyone?  Determined woman that I am - and only about an inch shy of shoving it through.....I saw off a piece of the door casing and with the help of my very strong ex-husband (who still helps me move furniture!!) we heave-ho it through.

Shot below is as it sits, once into the space and definitely in it's "I'm blue and don't match anything" state:

Truth is absolutely NOTHING matched in the room!  But ahhhh.....I did have a vision. 

See the couch after I put my Ballards Outlet (Atlanta) super-priced slipcover. Can you believe I got this slipcover for $16???? It's great to have friends in Atlanta that help me in the hunt - thanks CW.  It was not a perfect fit, so I retro-fitted it and it turned out pretty darn good :)

So now I have a sofa and an's definitely coming together.  Hope to have final shots of the room to you very soon.  Stay tuned!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Twelve Days of Christmas - Day 1

On the first day of Christmas, a blogger gave to me: One FINISHED room!  My goal this month is to post 12 times - hence the 12 Days of Christmas theme :)  Think I can do it?  well, I promise to give it my best college try, but am also glad that nobody is holding a gun to my head.  Between time spent taking care of life, twins and enjoying the fabulous Mr. S - it is really difficult to finish projects here.  On top of that this month, I have holiday parties, family and guests arriving and twins out of school for 2 LONG weeks.  Ahhhhhh.....the excuses challenges!

so while many of you are wondering where in the hell I have been, I am continuing to make progress here at my current Ugly Duckling project.  Voila - ONE room finally done. 

Before pictures:

Shot from hall leading into bedroom

Sorry - no wide angle lens available to shoot this small room

The best thing about the room - the nice large window and natural light
The worst thing/s about the room, the color, old doors/colonial trim and size (a little small)

And now the after shots....much more cheerful and makes one of the twin duo very happy.

 Same angle as before shot - from hall entry into room

Still no wide angle lens or good camera (hello.....Santa!!) - but shot of room

Lego art! I used the old wooden valances from the LR to make long display shelves for Lego creations.
Genious thought I might add, as it cost absolutely nothing and is his favorite item in the entire room.

Bargain score - the nail head headboard - $35 at a garage sale
All other items already on hand from previous life.

Study area in front of window.  Had to purchase blinds and curtain panels,everything else already on hand. 
 Note: this WAS my desk, but an alien took over my brain and decided it was better in this room.

My favorite part of the room might just be the freshly painted doors and update on the trim.
Sometimes it's the little things in life!

And the happily ever after end of this little room is that my persian rug, which was a gift
that I dragged back from Kuwait, finally has found a home - and it truly looks fabulous here! 

And yes the pressure is now big-time on me to work on the other half of the twin duo's room, who has already lodged her very LOUD complaints that his room was done which I replied "well he was born first" - by 2 minutes. 

PS Please know that I am now fast and furiously working to get her room done.  problem is that like most women, she has an opinion about almost everything and most definitely wants to weigh in on the entire project.  my little guy simply says....."oh that's nice mom - I love it" :)