Thursday, December 1, 2011

Twelve Days of Christmas - Day 1

On the first day of Christmas, a blogger gave to me: One FINISHED room!  My goal this month is to post 12 times - hence the 12 Days of Christmas theme :)  Think I can do it?  well, I promise to give it my best college try, but am also glad that nobody is holding a gun to my head.  Between time spent taking care of life, twins and enjoying the fabulous Mr. S - it is really difficult to finish projects here.  On top of that this month, I have holiday parties, family and guests arriving and twins out of school for 2 LONG weeks.  Ahhhhhh.....the excuses challenges!

so while many of you are wondering where in the hell I have been, I am continuing to make progress here at my current Ugly Duckling project.  Voila - ONE room finally done. 

Before pictures:

Shot from hall leading into bedroom

Sorry - no wide angle lens available to shoot this small room

The best thing about the room - the nice large window and natural light
The worst thing/s about the room, the color, old doors/colonial trim and size (a little small)

And now the after shots....much more cheerful and makes one of the twin duo very happy.

 Same angle as before shot - from hall entry into room

Still no wide angle lens or good camera (hello.....Santa!!) - but shot of room

Lego art! I used the old wooden valances from the LR to make long display shelves for Lego creations.
Genious thought I might add, as it cost absolutely nothing and is his favorite item in the entire room.

Bargain score - the nail head headboard - $35 at a garage sale
All other items already on hand from previous life.

Study area in front of window.  Had to purchase blinds and curtain panels,everything else already on hand. 
 Note: this WAS my desk, but an alien took over my brain and decided it was better in this room.

My favorite part of the room might just be the freshly painted doors and update on the trim.
Sometimes it's the little things in life!

And the happily ever after end of this little room is that my persian rug, which was a gift
that I dragged back from Kuwait, finally has found a home - and it truly looks fabulous here! 

And yes the pressure is now big-time on me to work on the other half of the twin duo's room, who has already lodged her very LOUD complaints that his room was done which I replied "well he was born first" - by 2 minutes. 

PS Please know that I am now fast and furiously working to get her room done.  problem is that like most women, she has an opinion about almost everything and most definitely wants to weigh in on the entire project.  my little guy simply says....."oh that's nice mom - I love it" :)

1 comment:

Yvette said...

Oh wow!!! :) it's lovely! Oh how I have missed the little duckling ... Welcome back!
The room really is beautiful - would never know it's the same room! Shelves - what a fab idea! They are cool. Well done!!!