Monday, January 2, 2012

Award: Most Improved

If I were to give an award for "most improved" room to date, it would definitely have to be what we are now using as the TV room.  When I first saw it, after the renters vacated, I think it may have been the room that triggered my anxiety attack.  The room was dark and drab, painted in a khaki (is that how you spell that???) color, not a cool khaki, but more like the color of an Army jeep.  The plaster ceiling was cracked and caving in and although I thought we could just repair it, we actually had to replace it.  There were also large holes in the walls and the heavy window treatments made the room look even more dark....I swear it reminded me of a vampire cave.  In fact I wondered if the 3 teenage boys that formerly lived here were really vampires.

Then I came in after the house was vacant and ripped down the heavy window treatments, open the blinds and let the light in.  I immediately felt better, because I knew it could go from looking like a vampire cave to something more refreshing. I wish I had a picture of when the renters were here and the room looked like a dark cave, but the best before shots I can offer are the cleaned up, windows letting light in shots - and it doesn't look nearly as bad as it did. I know I have posted little snippets before, but completed Before and After shots below..... 

Before of Entry Doors

After - ahhh it's amazing what white paint can do.

Before shot of the room
Imagine dark vampire drapes and in this shot you cannot see the holes in the walls or the ceiling falling in.

After Shots: make me happy to see the lighter brighter version.

I have never painted a room white before.  My painters were pressuring me to pick the color so they could get going and I was in the undecided column for a while.  Kept thinking of the cave and that I just wanted it to be a bright cheery room - and voila...completely inspired by Bob and Courtney Novogratz to just go with white and bring in pops of color.  I am SO happy with my decision, despite the fact my painters kept saying - "white-you really want bright white???".  They know me well and have never ever seen me go with a white room - ever!

And since I know that Y and J will be checking this post to see progress, here are a few more angles:





Last Before

and some After shots: woo-hoo...I LOVE progress!

My free chair!

Voila: our nice sunny cheerful T room!

1 comment:

YH said...

Can I just say ... "WOW"!