Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year = New Attitude!

Happy New Year!!  I am always so happy to see a new year begin.  The promise of what will come in the new year continues to intrigue me.  Sort of like a clean slate - in a "let's start again and see what we can do better this year" sort of way. 

OK, so I didn't make it through my 12 days of Christmas plan (Sorry YH), but the good news is I really enjoyed the holiday season.  Actually, it was because I enjoyed the holiday season SO much, that I didn't have time to get to the blog :)....but that's ok, because my only resolution made for this new year is to:

and just how is it I plan to do this?    Hmmmmm.....let me count the ways:

10) Schedule more time to relax (yes I need to schedule it, or my neurotic OCD nature has me working on some big to-do list)

9) Enjoy trying more new recipes and attempting to get my little guy to finally eat some veggies.

8) Travel - I have been blessed to travel much of the globe, but I have new places still yet to explore.

7) Be grateful for all that has yet to come.  The good, the bad, the path yet to travel has not been set ....but I want to embrace it and remember that every experience enriches my life, often in an unknown way.

6) Remember to enjoy the small things in life: a perfect tomato, the smiles of my children, a beautiful day, etc.

5) Appreciate the kindness of others and say thank you more often.

4) Blog more often.  OK, maybe that should have a higher ranking :)

3) Be spontanious - understand that a plan can be changed and that projects, appointments and a calendar of events can often be rescheduled.

2) Commit to finding a job that I will enjoy and want to get up and be excited about every day.

1) Don't sweat the small stuff and continue to remember that I do not need to have all of the answers TODAY!

In other words.......Here's to being less of a control freak and more of a free spirit in 2012!  Thanks to my fabulous Mr. S for his perspective, grace, wisdom and advice.

PS: TV room reveal tomorrow.....and now I'm off to read the newest magazine in the pile and have an hour of peace and quiet to myself instead of cleaning the garage......see I have already started working on my top ten list!

1 comment:

YH said...

Live a Good Life :) couldn't think of a better resolution! Love the New Year blog and I wish you peace and happiness throughout the year - you deserve it!!